This is not an "install and follow along" guide. This is a "read and comprehend" guide. Don't feel compelled to have Riak, or even have a computer handy, when starting this book. You may feel like installing at some point, and if so, instructions can be found in the Riak docs.
In my opinion, the most important section of this book is the concepts chapter. If you already have a little knowledge it may start slow, but it picks up in a hurry. After laying the theoretical groundwork, we'll move onto helping developers use Riak, by learning how to query it and tinker with some settings. Finally, we'll go over the basic details that operators should know, such as how to set up a Riak cluster, configure some values, use optional tools, and more.
Riak 2.0 represents a major shift in the capabilities and focus of Riak as a data store. Riak has always been primarily focused on operational simplicity, and that has not changed. But when it came to design decisions, operations were always given priority over the needs of developers. This is changing. With the launch of 2.0, we've added some features that developers have wanted to see for quite a while. Namely, the following:
and vm.args
), reduced sibling explosions (via a new logical clock called DVV), improved internal metadata sharing (reducing gossip chatter), better AAE, and more.This book also includes a new chapter written by John Daily, to help guide developers to write productive applications with Riak. We hope you enjoy the new, improved, Not Quite So Little Riak Book.